Mediumship Mastery: The Mechanics of Receiving Spirit Communications: The Ultimate Guide

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"A first rate Medium! Steve Hermann understands that through Mediumistic abilities, one can share great truths and be a vessel for Healing. What is also a rarity is this first rate Mediums compassion for all life, his sincerity and honesty add these qualities to his willingness to share what he has found and you will read something that may well change your life! Robert Brown, renowned British medium and author of We Are Eternal: What the Spirits Tell Us About Life After Death,(Grand Central Publishing). Packed with amazing stories and 84 easy-to-follow exercises, Mediumship Mastery: The Mechanics of Receiving Spirit Communications surpasses the many books written by mediums that either focus on stories from sessions or give only the bare basics. Mediumship Mastery goes beyond the expected basics of psychic awareness, angels and guides, and the different phases of mediumship, to discuss in-depth material in such hefty chapters as The Development Circle, Psychic Shorthand, Trance Channeling, "Past Life Readings," "Dealing with Skeptics," " Spirit Art and Automatic Writing," and "The ABC's of Clairvoyance. You will learn: How to distinguish your own imagination from genuine psychic impressions. How to correctly interpret spirit messages without distortion. How to receive ultra-specific evidence from recognizable spirit communicators. How to expand your mediumship in both the private session and from the platform. How to spiritualize your mediumship and enhance your existing abilities. This ultimate guide is a classic in the making. Whether you are curious about spirit communication or interested in developing your mediumistic skills, this book is for you.