The Little c: A young boy learns how to use his imagination while fighting stage 4 diffuse large B-cell lymphoma cancer and teaches other children to do the same

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On a chilly, damp, foggy, September morning, Charlie slowly walks into the downstairs brightly lit florescent kitchen. His eyes react to the light reflecting off the large white cabinets. He touches the tender swollen lump under the left side of his neck and winces in pain. Charlie knows that something is wrong with him. Hes afraid to tell his mom and dad for fear that learning what may be causing the lump in his neck may be related to the sickness he almost died from when he was born. He doesnt want to put his family through the stress and uncertainty that they went through twelve years ago. But he knows if he doesnt say something, his parents may never forgive him. The Little c is about Charlie's struggle with stage 4 lymphoma cancer.