Hottest Sauce- Hot as Balls!!! Hot Sauce- Awesome and Funtastic The Hottest Sauce (Scorching Hot Sauce) with Hilarious Vegas Stories and a Great Gift Idea

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That feeling you get when your balls hang on a sweltering Vegas Day.
The legendary ghost pepper will have you screaming your balls off! It's so hot that your balls will bust! Can you tell that we love the word BALLS?! This sauce kicks you in your balls. Ok we are done.
Novelty, Sexy, Funny Hot Sauce
Best Quality Hot Sauce
The Hottest Hot Sauce- (The Scorching Hot Sauce)


This is the hottest red liquid we know of. It is so hot which we had to come with a warning: "Keep away from pets and small children and avoid contact with sensitive areas, but that just seems so wordy.