ShoeCue: The Athletic Shoe Inserts designed for Running, Educational Insole that Prevents Heel Striking and Reduces Injuries + Perfect for Crossfit Shoes and Running Shoes for Men and Women - Medium

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SAFETY: The ShoeCue promotes bio mechanics that are scientifically backed to reduce impact when running and therefore avoid running injuries! The patent tending technology of the textured heel is key for injury prevention!
RUNNING SHOE INSERTS: ShoeCue will help you improve your running technique to develop a more efficient stride, therefore you will run faster!
BAREFOOT: Running barefoot allows your body to feel the ground on each step, causing you to land softer and run more efficiently. ShoeCue's patented textured heel plate brings this same effect to your everyday shoe.
ATHLETIC SHOE INSERTS: ShoeCue is perfect for Agility Training, Weightlifting, Jogging, Walking, Crossfit Lifting and any other activity. ShoeCue will train you on proper technique no matter the activity.
CUSTOM INSOLES: Connect + Adjust + Improve. ShoeCue returns physical sensation to your feet! The textured heel helps you with real-time mechanic adjustments to improve your running.


Shoecue - A Textured Insole - A Powerful Training Tool - Run Faster while Preventing Injuries!

Our feet initiate and control almost every single movement we make. Despite this, we ignore their importance every time we put on shoes. The nerves in our feet require texture, vibration, or sheering force to register important sensory feedback. Any normal shoe or insole cuts off this connection by separating our feet from the earth. We don't FEEL our connection to the ground any more.

Enter the ShoeCue. The Cue uses a patent-pending, textured, thermoplastic heel-plate that reconnects your feet to the ground. With vibration and texture, it wakes up the soles of your feet and reconnects them to your brain. Closing this neural loop allows for enhanced control and understanding of how we are connected to the world. In real-time we improve self aweareness and proprioception.

Return physical sensation to your feet. The Cue reconnects your feet with the ground and generates biomechanical feedback for the brain, and allows for complete self-awareness and proprioception.

Knowing where, how long, and with how much pressure your feet are in contact with the ground in real-time allows you to adjust your mechanics to maximize efficiency of any movement.

Using precious biomechanical feedback you will run faster, move more precisely, avoid injury, and improve overall performance in any sport.

How will my running form change?
Over time runners notice a reduction in over-striding and heavy heel strike (which are major contributors to running injury and joint wear). Every time you run you will likely notice that your stride feels softer, smoother, and more efficient.

Get your feet back and move better!