Ai ye Mugwort Herb | Mugwort Chinese leaf | Artemisia leaf - Medicinal Grade Chinese Herb 1Oz - Plum Dragon Herbs

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Ai ye Mugwort Herb or leaf is Commonly Artemisia Chinese Herb
Geo authentic herbs, sulfur free, lab tested and sourced indigenously
Artemesia is bitter, acrid in flavor and warm in energy
Artemesia is often used by acupuncturists in a process is called Moxibustion
Medicinal Grade Chinese Herb


Ai ye Mugwort Herb

Ai ye Mugwort Herb | Mugwort leaf | Artemisia leaf - Medicinal Grade Chinese Herb


Ai ye is commonly called Artemisia mugwort leaf. Artemesia Mugwort is bitter, acrid and warm in nature. It is used to stop menstrual and uterine bleeding. Artemesia is often used by acupuncturists in a process called moxibustion.