Surviveware Survival Trauma First Aid Kit, Organized and Fully Stocked for Safety in Emergencies

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ORGANIZED! Like all Surviveware med kits, this kit is designed with organization in mind. Be well-prepared in advance for emergencies in outdoor adventures, hunting, camping, travel, disaster, and accidents. Survivewares Emergency Trauma Kit is ideal for police, military, combat life savers, first responders, outdoor enthusiasts and more!
ORGANIZED! Like all Surviveware med kits, this kit is designed with organization in mind. Be well-prepared in advance for emergencies in outdoor adventures, hunting, camping, travel, disaster, and accidents. Survivewares Emergency Trauma Kit is ideal for police, military, combat life savers, first responders, outdoor enthusiasts and more!
STOP BLEEDING FAST! This medical kit is the most user-friendly, compact, and popular kit on the market for serious bleeding control. Survival and first aid supplies include: Recon Tourniquet, Shears, Strip closures, Adhesive Dressings, Pressure Dressing, and Surviveware compressed gauze.
SHOCK TREATMENT! A shock often occurs after significant blood loss causing a drop of body temperature, the emergency thermal blanket is designed to keep body temperature warm as a treatment for hypothermia.
TREAT SPRAINS! There are purposely selected items in this kit for sprains and bone fractures, namely an 18 Inch Splint Roll that keeps bones in position, plus a triangle bandage and elastic bandage used to secure the limb.
TRUSTED AND RELIABLE! There are many tactical and medical kits out there, so how do you choose? A trama pak is something you hope you never have to use, but the one time you do, make sure you go with the brand that has a proven track record.