52 Essential Critical Thinking: Smart Games for Problem Solving & Decision Making, Detect Cognitive Biases in Speech, Debate, Writing, Media, for Kids, Teens, Adults by Harvard Educator

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WINNER, 2021 Tillywig BRAIN CHILD Award & NAPPA (National Parenting Product Award) | Developed by Harvard Educator to help you uncover cognitive biases, fallacies, heuristics, and blind spots.
REMEMBER & APPLY critical thinking skills NOW | practical card game that combines core knowledge from behavioral science, social psychology, economics, cognitive science books and workbooks.
SMARTER problem solving and decision making for youth through adulthood | Includes How to Play guide with 10 levels of play from beginner to expert. Pedagogically aligned with Bloom's Taxonomy.
LEVEL UP discussions @ home, school, and work | Use in English Language Arts, Social Studies, Media Literacy, Speech and Debate. Ice breaker, social circles or table topics discussion.
Learning while having FUN | Become a WISER communicator, FASTER BS detective, and SMARTER consumer, SAVVIER investor, and KINDER human being.