HDE Healing Crystal Wands Clear Crystals | 2" Clear Quartz Crystal Wand | 6 Faceted Reiki Chakra Meditation Therapy

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Clear Quartz Crystal Wands are good wands for beginners because they are an all-purpose healing wand
Clear quartz is considered the most powerful type of crystal for channelling energy, amplifying energy and cleansing
Ideal for energy grids and can be used for any metaphysical purpose such as healing, chakra opening, and past-life recall
Must have for crystal healers: Clear quartz is one of the most popular crystals as a healing crystal | Heightens your spiritual awareness and amplifies the engeries of other stones


Albert Einstein once said, "Everything in life is vibration." From the largest of galaxies to the smallest of elementary particles, it's all vibration; a symphony of resonating frequencies that when introduced to matter and energy create form. Every time you think and feel you are resonating a frequency, which makes the energy around you resonate to the same frequency. In short, WHAT YOU GIVE OUT IS WHAT YOU CREATE.

That being said, we--like a car engine--need a tune up from time to time. Crystals act as conduits that restore our body's vibrational state to a healthy frequency by allowing positive energy to flow in as negative energy flows out. Crystals are NOT magical objects endowed with supernatural powers. They are simply able to transmit energy more efficiently than anything else on earth.

This crystal starter kit includes:

  • Rose Quartz: Stone of the Heart
    • This stone heals through its ability to help us understand the need for compassion and forgiveness for others and for ourselves.
  • Clear Quartz: Stone of Power
    • As you focus on whatever it is you wish to manifest in your life (love, abundance, health), this crystal will absorb that data and radiate it outward.
  • Obsidian: Stone of Truth
    • This stone will allow you to see things as they really are. Also known as the "mirror stone", Obsidian reveals the deep mysteries of your inner being, the people around you and the world in general.
  • Amethyst: Stone of Healing
    • The Amethyst calms, purifies and restores by creating a barrier between you and stress inducing triggers that can have a negative impact on your health.

It is said that you don't choose a crystal. A crystal chooses you. As you look at HDE crystals, feel the vibrations within you and all around you. Can you hear the music?