Shopkins HP SPK S6 Surprise ME PK - HOT Springs Day SPA

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Discover the new mermaid tails adventure!
The Lil' Shoppies have now become beautiful Lil' Mermaids!
Open windows and doors of the pack to find surprise Petkins accessories and more!
Lil' Mermaids have color change tails! Dip them in water and see them magically change!
Inside every surprise Me pack is a surprise Mer pal waiting to be found!
Includes a beautiful sea sequin fin to use in your happy scene!


Dive in and open up an ocean of possibilities! Take a journey under the sea with the Lil' Shoppies to a new magical happy Place. The Lil' Shoppies have become beautiful 'Lil mermaid! Place then in water and see their tail magically change color! Open windows and doors to find surprise Petkins to decorate their mermaid reef retreat. Hiding in the pack is a surprise Mer pal - the 'Lil mermaids loveable little friends! You will also find bellafly the butterfly mermaid, she loves to be pampered! Inside the hot springs day spa pack are all the Petkins furniture and accessories you need to decorate bellafly mermaid day spa so she can wave the stress away.