Peppermint Roll-On Essential Oil | Pre-Diluted, Ready-to-Apply | Mentha piperita | 100% Pure and Therapeutic-Quality | Tension Relief, Bug Repellent, Open Airways, Headache, Queasy Stomach, Allergies

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The sweet, bright, peppery kick of pure Peppermint essential oil is a fundamental tool for natural living. With just Peppermint, you can spark a sluggish brain, tap hidden resources of physical energy and rid yourself of everyday stress headaches.
Use it to find energy, cool the skin, retreat from temper, decrease stress, and to stay alert.
A deep and intensely sweet mint experience, our pure Peppermint can settle your stomach, freshen and deodorize a stuffy space, relieve feelings of nausea or motional sickness, or boost your attention.
Apply across limbs to support sore muscles and joints, or across the back of the neck to relieve feelings of tension in the neck and head.
Contains only 100% pure therapeutic-quality essential oil diluted for safe topical use with the highest-quality fractionated coconut oil.


Use the natural boost of pure Peppermint essential oil to get a shot of pure energy and focus without resorting to sugar or caffeine. The potent warmth of this deep mint scent can wake up your mind and refresh lagging attention when you feel sluggish or dull. Find hidden strength and committed energy with this potent natural tool.
Apply to the skin for a mentholated warmth to reduce feelings of stress or tension. Find relief from overexertion and stiffness in your muscles and joints without slathering on petroleum-based goo. Instead, rub this pre-diluted treatment across the back of your neck. Along the shoulders, and across the chest to dissolve deeply held tension or stress. Apply to hands, cup over the mouth, and breathe deeply to address upset stomach and to calm the gut.

The vigorous sweet scent and potent natural properties of this high-quality essential oil give you the resources to get through your day with positive energy and a positive outlook. Use it effectively on the whole family to empower them to be at their natural best.