Advanced Nutrients Bundle Nirvana and Sensizym Plant Fertilizer Enhancer pH Balance (4 Liter)

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Nirvana is formulated by combining organic bloom stimulants with premium quality compost tea. Water, nutrients, light energy, and carbon dioxide can be processed by the plant at faster rates, stimulating higher levels of production. Vitamins, carbohydrates, amino acids, and bloom cofactors created in the perfect balance of ratios trigger the plant to produce at a higher rate. Plants will tend to have tighter internodes through flowering, making better use of artificial light sources for higher yields. Sensizym - proven to create healthier growing mediums, reduce food sources for pathogens, and improve nutrient availability in all types of growing systems. The blend of over 80 digestive enzymes contained in the formula are highly bioactive and are naturally occurring. The enzymes quickly digest fertilizers, decaying roots and other organic matter, converting it into a source of energy for plant growth. Growers using sensizym in their feeding program will keep root membranes cleaner and free of debris that can impede the rapid absorption of nutrients; creating bigger yields.