Organic NATERA Toasted Hemp Seeds Hearts (1lbs) Best Protein, Fibre and Mineral Source

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GET HEALTHY & FEEL MORE ENERGIZED with 100% Natural Hemp Products. Hemp hearts are the very best and most nutritious part of the hemp seed. By shelling the hemp seed, you get only the center, with its raw nutrition, rich nutty flavor and tender crunch
PERFECT PROTEIN that contains all 20 amino acids, but also each of the nine essential amino acids that our bodies cannot produce. PROMOTE CARDIOVASCULAR HEALTH with EXCELLENT 3:1 balance of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids
100% made in CANADA ~ NO ARTIFICIAL ADDITIVES OR PRESERVATIVES ~ non-GMO project verified, Vegan - Great tasting Hemp Hearts have a slightly nutty taste, similar to a sunflower seed or pine nut
CONTAINS MORE PROTEIN AND OMEGA'S and LESS CARBS than the same serving of Chia or Flax. Simply sprinkle on salad, cereal, granola, oatmeal & yogurt, add to smoothies and recipes or eat straight from the package
GET OPTIMUM HEALTH with EXCEPTIONALLY PURE, PLUMP and NUTRITIOUS with Natera Hemp Seeds. A rare source of complete protein, they contain all 20 known amino acids including the 8 essential and 2 semi-essential amino acids our bodies need for optimum health. ---------- TRY this POPULAR NATERA Hemp Seed Hearts Before It's SOLD OUT!


What Makes Organic NATERA Hemp Seed Hearts So Healthy and Special

- Contain more protein than flax or chia seeds
- Exceptionally pure, plump and nutritious

- Add instant "umami" (delicious je-ne-sais-quoi yumminess) to all your healthy recipes.

- Contain all 20 known amino acids including the 8 essential and 2 semi-essential amino acids our bodies need for optimum health.

- 100% Plant based that contains all the essential amino acids, making it a complete protein.

(Most plant-based proteins contain some, but not all, essential amino acids.)

This makes NATERA hemp hearts -or hemp-based protein powder- an excellent choice for vegan and vegetarian athletes.

NATERA Hemp Seed Hearts are easier to digest than hemp seeds

Of all hemp products, you're probably most familiar with hemp hearts: the soft, nutty insides of hempseeds. Hemp hearts are easier to eat and digest than the full seed, since they've ditched their tough outer shell.

NATERA Hemp Seed Hearts can make nutritious, dairy-free milk

Homemade hemp milk is super easy to make-even easier than almond milk, which requires soaking and straining the almonds. With just some water and natural sweetener, hemp hearts blend up into a creamy, delicious drink.

You can put them in (pretty much) anything

With a subtle, nutty flavor, hemp hearts taste great in all sorts of sweet and savoury dishes. most versatile super food ever, combine brilliantly with your breakfast, lunch and dinner favorites.