Essential Invitation to Oceanography (Jones & Bartlett Learning Titles in Physical Science)

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Intended for the more concise course, Essential Invitation to Oceanography provides a thorough introduction to oceanographic concepts while omitting advanced topics that some courses do not require. Written for the non-science student, this text lets readers explore how the oceans work while explaining their relevance within the four major divisions of ocean science--geology, chemistry, physcis, and biology. A student-friendly writing style and rich pedagogy help students fully understand and retain the important concepts at hand, and feature boxes throughout engage them with the fascinating discoveries in oceanography.

The comprehensive comapanion website, OceanLink, provides students with numerous learning tools and study aids, including chapter outlines,critical thinking questions, crosswords, practice quizzes, and much more.

Instructor's material include: PowerPoint Lecture Outlines, PowerPoint Image Bank, Animations, and Test Bank.