Source Naturals BioPerine 10mg Black Pepper Fruit Extract (Piperine) Supplement -With Calcium- 120 Tablets

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The black pepper interacts with the surface of the gastrointestinal tract, enhancing the absorption of nutrients, especially selenium, vitamin B, beta carotene, and curcumin.
BioPerine is widely known as an antioxidant, and may also enhance the body's natural process of thermogenesis.
In the body, pepper enhances the thermogenesis of lipids and accelerates energy metabolism in the body, supporting the calorie burning process.
Adding Bioperine will dramatically enhance the absorption of whole food and dietary supplements.
Our commitment to quality begins with sourcing botanical powders and extracts and other raw materials, including organic and non-GMO verified ingredients when available.
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BioPerine is a pure form of piperine, derived from the fruits of black pepper.