Diabasens Foot Cream Providing Multi-Action Support - Moisturize, Increase Blood Flow and Sensitivity - Warm Feet (7)

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Multi-action support system for neuropathy management formulated to moisturize, Increase blood flow and sensitivity, and warm your feet.
Activates a special sensory pathway right below the skins surface, which stimulates the nerves, bringing back your sensation and delivering powerful relief.
Contains the key ingredients to boost blood flow and sensitivity: L-Arginine, L-Citrulline and Cinnamon bark Oil (Cinnamaldehyde)
By stimulating special sensory pathways right below the skin and restoring powerful circulation to the extremities, DiabaSens rejuvenates your legs and feet like nothing you've tried before.


The ingredients in DiabaSens activate a special sensory pathway right below the skins surface.This pathway is known medically as TRPA1 and experts believe it holds the secret to managing neuropathy and nerve pain due to its remarkable ability to increase the sensitivity of your nerves and improving their ability to circulate warm, oxygenated blood to your extremities.